Powerup Zero
If Poweruo Zero is enabled, the terminal tries to capture zero upon power uo. If Powerup Zero capture is enabled and the weight on the scale is outside of the zero capture range , the display will indicate “EEE” or “-EEE” until the weight is removed and zero is capture.
Range:0%(Powerup Zero is disabled),2%(2%*CAP),10%(10%*CAP)
Menu path:[System Setup]→[Appl Setup]→[Powerup Zero]
Keypad Zero
If Keypad Zero is enabled, the front panel ZERO pushbutton will operate to capture zero reference points.
Range:0%(Keypad Zero is disabled),
Menu path: [System Setup]→[Appl Setup]→[Ketpad Zero]
Operation: press key “0”
Pushbutton Tare
When pushbutton tare is enabled , the TARE scale function key can be pressed when an empty container is on the scale to determine tare.
Menu path: [System Setup]→[Appl Setup]→[Tare Action],select [enable tare]
The terminal displays a zero weight and net mode.When the container is loaded and placed back on the scale, the terminal displays the net weight of the contents.
Preset Tare
When setting tare is enabled, the known value for the empty weight of a container (tare) can be entered manually.
The terminal will then display the net weight of the contents of the container.Keyboard tares are automatically rounded to the closest display division.
Clear Tare
Clear tare values by pressing the CLEAR key “T” when the IND320 is in the net mode.